Tolkien Reading Day
I was recently asked by my local library to do
Community Standards
Which definition do you think of when reading the phrase
A mighty helper for readers
Library Extension is available for Chrome and Firefox. The Chrome version already has 100,000 users and nearly 3,000 reviews with an average of 5 stars. Count me in that 5-star rating, I had Library Extension a couple of years now and it’s saved me plenty of time and Scrooge McDuck-like money.
Moving our focus to where it should be
Too much of what we see in Christian movies, books, TV shows, and sermons points us to ourselves. Instead, God’s word takes us from focusing on ourselves, the problems around us, or the general evils of the world, and directs us to God.
Where your faith is, so is your heart
Matthew 6:21 and a 1970s Contemporary Christian song by Gary